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Description: Project of the movie theaters chain e-system. My responsibilities were of developing 2 Android mobile apps for clients and staff, also a small server interlayer responsible for providing data to staff’s application and handling firebase notifications. Responsibilities & achievements: - Participated in development of the system’s design & architecture. - Build the client applications from scratch. - Maintaining applications after launch.
Project technologies stack: Java, MVP, Android SDK 21+, Dagger 2, RxAndroid, ZXing, Glide, Room, Retrofit 2, Butterknife, Firebase (Crashlytics, Notifications), Rest API.
Description: Customizable online shop application, developed for multiple clients. I have been working on polishing app, adding features, refactoring code to improve customization simplicity. Responsibilities & achievements: - Wrote the code under supervision.
Project technologies stack: Kotlin, MVVM, Android SDK 23+, Koin, RxAndroid, Jetpack Architecture Components, Retrofit 2, Glide, Timber, ZXing, Firebase, GraphQL.
Description: Instagram like app, with additional functionality, developed for specific region. Responsibilities & achievements: - Wrote the code under supervision.
Project technologies stack: Kotlin, MVVM, Android SDK 24+, Hilt, Jetpack Architecture Components, Retrofit 2, Glide, Firebase (Crashlytics, Notifications), Google Map API, Rest AP