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O sobie

VReal Soft buduje rozwiązania internetowe i mobilne, które pasują do każdej branży.

Nasza wiedza i inteligentna analiza dają naszym klientom pełne zrozumienie całego ich pomysłu i dobrą okazję do spojrzenia na swój projekt z drugiej strony.

Otwarte oferty pracy
Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Lead Generation Manager (IT)
Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Vreal Soft is a Ukrainian IT company developing mobile applications and websites. We have been working successfully for more than 7 years on the market of the States and Israel. The head office is located in Cherkasy, but we are constantly developing and expanding the horizons of cooperation to other cities, currently we have opened a branch in Dnipro.
Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu

Premia za zatrudnienie: 100$ - 150$

Sales Managеr
Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Vreal Soft is a Ukrainian IT company specializing in creating reliable and intuitive web and mobile applications. We have been successfully working for more than 7 years in the US and Israeli markets. We are focused on providing an exceptional user experience with our applications. Our experience and smart analysis give our clients a complete understanding of their whole idea and a good opportunity to look at their project from a different perspective.

Przetłumaczone przez Google

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