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C++ Developer w Program-Ace

Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu

737 wyświetleń

3 aplikacje   0 odpowiedzi

0 recenzji
Nino Giorgobiani
Nino Giorgobiani
IT Recruiter, Talent Searcher
Więcej niż 3 lata
Upper Intermediate
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C++ Developer (plugin development for Unity or Unreal)


  • Has experience with C++ plugin development for Unity or Unreal and a good understanding of the considerations for key platforms (iOS/mac, Android, Windows);
  • Has worked with the guts of media player technologies such as exoplayer, AVFoundation, WMF or has experience in similar technologies at a similar low level (e.g. writing Vulkan renderers). This aptitude is the strongest requirement for the work.


  • The core work to be done is to extend or replace existing custom video players for Unity and Unreal to support a synchronization signal driven from another media stream or a timecode. This is to be used to synchronize multiple audio and video streams which may be loaded from different media container files at different times.

Specjalizacje: C / C++ / Embedded
Więcej niż 3 lata
Upper Intermediate
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