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Business Analyst w German_Metall

Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu

639 wyświetleń

0 aplikacji   0 odpowiedzi

0 recenzji
800 - 1200$
Brak doświadczenia
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Business Analyst
? Requirements: We have a tight business to run and our jobs require a certain commitment to results and willingness to accept responsibility for the individual actions on the part of our employees. Therefore, we require all of our candidates to: - Understand that an activity by itself is useless unless it produces a useful outcome; - Be ready to self-organize and self-manage and make own decisions about what to do in order to deliver the - result; - Be willing to re-examine approaches and methods when results suggest that current approaches aren't working; - Be willing to endure hard work to achieve success and not expect instant gratification; - Approach matters rigorously and analytically; - Proactively come up with solutions and follow their implementation without supervision; - Act on the above.
Specjalizacje: Business analyst
800 - 1200$
Brak doświadczenia
Nie jest biegły
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