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O firmie

Na JOBITT z 01.04.2022

Civenty is part of the Covent IT Group (2007), founded in 2015, which carries the spirit and atmosphere of a startup and serves to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). We are a high-quality provider of IT business solutions for clients all over the world, bringing together 200+ professionals around Ukraine, namely Dnipro, Kiev and Vinnytsia. Specialists with profound experience in various domains such as: E-commerce / E-retail, Mobile, FinTech, Information Portals, Server administration, we help our clients to achieve their goals faster than before.

Why would you choose Civenty? Civenty is a part of a larger organization, in line with the clarity of business and HR processes, however, at the same time with its excellent flexibility, almost zero bureaucracy, openness and accessibility to management. The main thing that we value above all is: our team and the atmosphere of trust, focus on results and thirst to be better than we were yesterday.

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