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Nazywam się Maria Brandt i jestem starszym programistą baz danych SQL Server. Moje doświadczenie z SQL Server to ponad 9 lat. Również mam doświadczenie Oracle, ponad 14 lat. Pracowałem z różnymi systemami Business Intelligence, takimi jak Oracle BI, IBM Cognos, SSIS, SSRS. SSAS.
System operacyjny Win NT/2000/XP
Technologie DWH, ETL, OLTP, OLAP
Języki programowania Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL SQL Server
Narzędzia wsparcia programistycznego Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, Microsoft Visual
Studio, Oracle Business Intelligence 10G, 11G, IBM Cognos, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PLSQL Developer, SQL Navigator, Ropucha
Analityczne, projektowe Oracle Business Intelligence 10G, 11G, IBM Cognos
SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, DevExpress
Charkowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Elektroniki Radiowej (Charków, Ukraina) Rok ukończenia studiów 1996 Inżynier telekomunikacji wydział aparatury telekomunikacyjnej i pomiarowej
Kursy, szkolenia, certyfikaty
Certyfikat Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Certyfikowana implementacja
Specjalista (Charków, Ukraina)
lipiec 2014 r
Oracle Forms Developer 10g: Twórz aplikacje internetowe
Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Twórz raporty
(Kijów Ukraina)
sierpień 2007
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
-Database Development in Oracle 8i, 10g, DB schema and objects development and support;
-Development of Oracle Forms applications, Oracle Reports applications.
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
-Participation in development of banking analytics system using Oracle BI;
-Participation in development of ETL processes, DWH building;
-Development of Oracle BI reports and
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments: -Schema and data migrations from Oracle to SQL Server, from Sybase to SQL Server; from SQL Server to Azure SQL; development of DB schemas and objects; performance tuning -Development and support of IBM Cognos reports;
-Consulting of Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Creating and updating DB objects: tables, views, stored procedures, functions, scheduled jobs for recruiting system according to the client’s needs;
- Creating ad-hoc reports from scratch using SSRS;
- Making performance tuning optimization
-Data migration from source to target schema on SQL Server platform
-Creating and converting SSRS reports using DevExpress reporting service.
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Creating and updating SQL Server DB objects: tables, views, stored procedures, functions, scheduled jobs for recruiting system according to the client’s needs;
- Creating and updating ETL processes using SSIS;
- Data migration processes from SQL Server to Azure Data Factory.
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments: - Creating and updating SQL Server DB objects: tables, views, stored procedures, functions, scheduled jobs for recruiting system according to the client’s needs;
- Performance Tuning and Optimization (PTO), using native monitoring and troubleshooting tools;