Senior Full Stack Developer - 23056

Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Specjalizacja: Front-End / JS
Otwarte na oferty
Więcej niż 5 lat
Rozważenie opcji
Praca biurowa w pełnym wymiarze godzin
Zatrudnienie na część etatu
Praca zdalna (pełny etat)
Wolny strzelec (projekty jednorazowe)
Przeprowadzka do innego miasta

Przetłumaczone przez Google

niestandardowe, kreatywne myślenie. matematyczne (abstrakcyjne) podejście do rozwiązywania problemów. umiejętność komunikowania się z ludźmi. szybko znaleźć wspólny język. zdeterminowany i zdecydowany
Junior Front End
Luty 2016 - Czerwiec 2017

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

Junior Strong Front End
Styczeń 2019 - Styczeń 2020

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

Middle Front-End
Sierpień 2019 - Styczeń 2020

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

Middle Front-End, Team Lead
Październik 2019 - Luty 2021

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

■ Creation of technical specifications

■ Creating Application Architecture

Full Stack Engineer
Listopad 2020

■ Design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to specifications and defined software engineering standards

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and accomplish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

■ Creation of technical specifications

■ Creating Application Architecture

Podobni kandydaci

Przetłumaczone przez Google

Otwarte na oferty
Więcej niż 5 lat
Rozważenie opcji
Praca biurowa w pełnym wymiarze godzin
Zatrudnienie na część etatu
Praca zdalna (pełny etat)
Wolny strzelec (projekty jednorazowe)
Przeprowadzka do innego miasta
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