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Moim celem jest wdrażanie wysokiej jakości rozwiązań i przynoszenie jak najlepszych rezultatów. Pracuję z odpowiedzialnością, aby zrealizować cele, które stawiam sobie w projektach.
I nie ma znaczenia, czy jestem jedynym programistą w projekcie, czy częścią zespołu. Staram się utrzymywać swoją produktywność na wysokim poziomie. BTW, zainspirowały mnie książki REMOTE i REWORK firmy Basecamp. Od 2016 roku zacząłem pracować zdalnie.
• Develop and support android media applications for the Automotive area.
• Design architecture of applications
• Develop apps like Shazam and MusicMatch.
• Work with mobile vision features.
• Setup CI Github Actions for testing.
• Sprints planning and tasks estimation.
• Working with legacy code.
• Code reviewing.
• Docummenting.
• Used ffmpeg to convert the audio from one format to another into mobile app
• Implemented app that uses ACR Cloud for audiostream recognition and youtube recognition
• Work with flutter to demonstrate abilities of framework for project purposes
• Develop and support mobile applications for android for different clients around the world
• Used MVP, VIPER and MVVM architecture approaches to achieve reliable and supportable state of applications
• Deliver release ready mobile application for application store
• Design architecture of applications
• Update legacy architecture to a fresh version
• Implement complex custom UI, integrate custom animations
• Implementation of instrumental and unit tests
• migration from appcompat to androidx
• Setup CI with Github actions
• bash scripts development for android applications
• Implement and prepare applications for demo
• Support mobile application after completion
• Make build and publish hybrid application
• Used ffmpeg to convert the audio from one format to another into mobile app
• Implemented app that uses ACR Cloud for audiostream recognition and youtube recognition
• Work with flutter to demonstrate abilities of framework for project purposes
• Worked on mobile vision project with OpenCV
• At first I started to work on bug fixing and performance improving for the application to bring it to a stable and alive state.
• Improve and fix the application architecture
• Implement speech-to-text and text-to-speech feature for AI advisor with IO technology
• Work and communicate closely with distributed EU team from Italy and Switzerland. I was an integrated team member from the outsourcing company.
• I implemented new features
• Worked on charts and tables and statistics data visualization
• Integrate MPChart library for charts and deeply charts customisation to follow design requirements
• implement new features and support existing photo editor applications
• Work with firebase mobile vision to apply masks for a face
• Apply image filter to a final photo
• Investigated and implemented reatime mask usage for demo application
• Work on custom views
• Google AdMob integration
• implement new photo editor application from scratch
• used ffmpeg for audio and video processing
• Worked on a lot of applications for CA based team for their partners to demonstrate abilities of their B2B solutions
• worked closely with CA based team and CTO directly
• Implemented appstores for
о General Motors
о Toyota
• Implemented application to sell and deliver wine into California
• Implemented couple apps for offices for company teams and business trip management
• Worked with ibeacon technology
• Implemented couple demo applications for Estee company
о to recruit talents
о demonstrate makeup arts
• IOT app for chinese market
• Chat application to demonstrate possibilities of theirs messaging platform and compare with concurrents