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Jestem osobą dobrze zorganizowaną, która sprawnie radzi sobie z wieloma zadaniami. Potrafię komunikować się z klientami korporacyjnymi i potrafię proponować niestandardowe rozwiązania problemów, tak aby projekty zakończyć w terminie.
Moim celem jest przyczynienie się do rozwoju Twojej firmy i pomoc w terminowej realizacji projektów. Jestem pewien, że mogę być ważnym atutem Twojego zespołu i nie mogę się doczekać omówienia innych możliwości.
• Developed and implemented automated test scripts using Java 17.0.7 and Python, following the SOLID principles and leveraging the Page Object Model, to ensure software quality control for a website.
• Utilized XPATH and CSS selectors with Selenium WebDriver to write automated tests that verified website functionality and performance.
• Collaborated with development teams to analyze and report bugs, facilitating prompt bug resolutions.
• Generated comprehensive test reports using Allure, providing stakeholders with actionable insights into test results.
• Contributed to the continuous improvement of the testing process by identifying areas for enhancement and implementing effective solutions.
🔶Role: Project Manager - B2B Recruitment Projects
▪ Successfully managed recruitment projects for 100 enterprise-level companies annually, ensuring efficient and effective execution.
▪ Oversaw the end-to-end supply chain of HR projects, ensuring efficient execution and client satisfaction.
🦸♂️ Achievements:
▪ Built and led a team of 12 remote HR experts dedicated to implementing pool projects. Effectively managed and guided the team to achieve project objectives.
▪ Delivered over 300 HR consulting projects to clients across diverse sectors, resulting in high client satisfaction and significant business recovery. Conducted 400+ interviews annually for our clients.
▪ Developed and implemented standardized project management processes and tools, resulting in improved project efficiency, error reduction, and increased capacity to serve more clients. Conducted training sessions for new software implementations.
▪ Spearheaded the design and implementation of a comprehensive corporate project management training program, enhancing the skills and capabilities of the project management team.