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Doświadczony programista MERN Full Stack z dużym doświadczeniem w projektowaniu i tworzeniu aplikacji internetowych z wykorzystaniem MongoDB, Express.js, React i Node.js. Biegły w tworzeniu dynamicznych, responsywnych interfejsów użytkownika i solidnej logiki po stronie serwera. Sprawdzona umiejętność zarządzania bazami danych, optymalizowania wydajności aplikacji i efektywnej współpracy z zespołami wielofunkcyjnymi.
· Led the development and launch of cryptocurrency and mobile AI products, increasing user base by 200%..
· Implemented Agile transformation, improving product delivery time by 30%.
· Conducted market research and user analysis to guide product strategy.
· Managed cross-functional teams to ensure alignment.
· Leveraged data-driven insights to enhance customer satisfaction and reduce churn rate.
· Increased revenue by 40% through the successful launch of a sales web application.
· Built and led a high-performance development team that consistently achieved 90% of targets each quarter.
· Streamlined decision-making processes, resulting in a 50% reduction in time by empowering teams and fostering autonomy.
· Utilized Asana and Figma for project management and design purposes.
· Led the expansion of our e-commerce platform into new international markets, increasing revenue by 30% and optimizing user experiences for diverse global audiences.
· Developed and implemented a dynamic global pricing strategy that resulted in a 15% increase in profitability across multiple markets while remaining competitive.
· Effectively managed cross-functional teams and engaged with stakeholders from different countries, ensuring alignment on product strategies and successfully launching products in diverse markets.