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Experienced IT specialties whos building web applications. I specialize in Python and have experience working with Django, RestFULL which used in commercial development hence have experience working with framework such as, Flask, Django
# JavaScript
# Bootstrap
# Tailwind
# MongoDB
# PostgreSQL
# SQLite3
# Git & Git-hub
#Ubuntu server
# Python
# Django
# Flask
# Telegram bots (admin panel )
- Kafka
- Fast API
- Django background task (cron, crontab)
- Docker
- Elastik search
- Celery
- Kubernetes
- Django Optimization
- Redis
# Rest full API
* TeamPro 3 months - Fronent Dev
* IT Pro 5 months - Full stack
* UzTelecom Rest API - 2 months
* Algorithm Getaway - 4 months
* English and Russian languages.
* Study at National Unverstity of Uzbekiston.(18::00~21:00)
* Frontend & Backend
I study at night it means that I go to university at 18:00 and end 21:00
Inter Python developer I have worked as inter python developer. IDTM is AI company and I had exprince with model train and Panda + TenSorFlow + Pytorch + OpenCV + Yolo5. I build so many amazing AI projects
I have worked as Frontend Developer, Worked with HTML, CSS, JS, Tailwind, Bootsrap. So I was build so many company amazing websites.
IT, System Integration, Internet • Internet Company (Search Engines, Payment Systems, Social Networks, Information and Educational, Entertainment Resources, Website Promotion etc.)
I worked as strong junior backend developer.(django + rest full api + yolo5)
What i have experienced: - Write effectively, scalable code - Develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance - Write a reliable model - REST FULL API Stack of technologies are used: - Flask - Django - drf - Kafka - Fast API - Django background task (cron, crontab) - Docker - Elastik search - Celery - Kubernetes - Django Optimization - Postgres, - Redis Completed projects: - SMS Gateway integration -- CRM system to gigant companies , organization with members 20 000+ -Web Applications based on CRM system (Desktop + mobile + web