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Remote work (full-time)
Incoming tech-savvy Java Developer with practical experience. Well familiar with OOP and OOD principles, design patterns. Experienced in Java Core and Web development. Solved 150+ algorythmic tasks on codewars and other related resources.
Able to solve client problems with an individual approach to each task.
Familiar with: Linux, Heroku.
Java, Git, Spring, Maven, SQL, Hibernate, JUnit, Design Patterns, OOP, JDBC, Patterns, PostgreSQL, SOLID, GitHub, CI/CD, Spring Boot, Tomcat, IntelliJ IDEA, Windows, OOP/OOD, GoF design patterns, GoF patterns, Spring MVC, JPA, JSP, REST, Java Stream API
In the last two month I've completed two projects with all skills I've mentioned.
Looking for
Looking for a friendly tight team to work with the latest tech on the market.
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