Full Stack Developer - 22138 Outstaffing

Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Specjalizacja: Full-Stack
Otwarte na oferty
Więcej niż 5 lat
Upper Intermediate
Rozważenie opcji
Praca biurowa w pełnym wymiarze godzin
Zatrudnienie na część etatu
Praca zdalna (pełny etat)
Wolny strzelec (projekty jednorazowe)
Przeprowadzka do innego miasta

Przetłumaczone przez Google

- C#, .Net, ASP.NET CORE, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, Web API 2 (REST FULL), LINQ - Angielski (poziom średniozaawansowany wyższy, stanowisko personelu): codzienne spotkanie, pielęgnacja - Entity Framework, MS SQL, No SQL, Rabbit MQ, Mongo DB, PostGresql, Docker - Aplikacja Single Page, AngularJS, Angular2/8, Umbraco CMS, HTMl, CSS, maszynopis, JavaScript, Jquery. - Bootstrap, DevExpress,
Senior Full stack ASP.Net
Outsourcing company
Styczeń 2019

1) Product for bank checks. (Long-term project banks project, 30 years old of project).

Technologies: C# (.net), web api 2, ASP.NET core 3.1, html, css, java script, win forms, web forms, entity code first, data base first GIT, Jenkins, bitbucket, MS visual studio.

2) Medical portal for insurance.

Technologies: ASP.NET core 3.1, c# (.net), web api 2, html, css, java script, entity code first, GIT, AWS, MS visual studio.

3) Music platform.

Technologies: ASP.NET core 2.1, TeamCity, Elastic search, Redis, Segment analytics, MySql, NHibernet, NUnit, Angular 9, c# (.net), html, css, type script, java script, jQuery, entity code first, GIT, Azure, MS visual studio.

4) Online casino.

Technologies: c# (.net), Asp.net CORE 2/3, Microservices, docker, PostGresql, Angular 5, type script, html, css, java script, jquery, entity code first, GIT, Google cloud, MS visual studio, visual studio code.

Senior ASP.NET full stack developer
Outsourcing company
Wrzesień 2015 - Grudzień 2018

Details of projects: CRM system for support ships. Technologies: c# (.net), Asp.net CORE, Angular 5, type script, Rabbit MQ(NoSQL), Mongo DB, html, css, java script, jquery, bootstrap, ms server, entity code first framework, GIT.

The CRM system for support ships help administrators, engineers save information about vessels. User can apply for work. Save information about vessels problem.

Create report about problem and send to engineers. Search history about vessels.

Search engineers for apply work. Check in system all support vessel information.

Control all steps engineer’s work.

Responsibilities (my tasks): Development backend – create migration, development API services, development architecture, fix bug in logic, development event broker process, development logging, development with domain driven design process.

Development frontend – create component for vessel information, document part process, accounting page. Support development – search bug and support task. 

ASP.NET full stack developer
Outsourcing company
Styczeń 2013 - Wrzesień 2015

Details of projects: CRM internal system for lawyers. Technologies: c# (.net), Asp.net MVC 5, Angular JS, kendo, Umbraco CMS, Web API 2, html, CSS, java script, jQuery, bootstrap, ajax, MS server 2014, entity code first framework, SVN, GIT

The CRM system for support for lawyers. User can record all lawsuit. Save information about lawsuit. Create documentation for lawsuit. Save history about lawsuit. Search dictionary information for lawsuit. Check in system all steps lawsuit. Control all steps engineer’s work.

Responsibilities (my tasks): Development backend – create database architecture, create migration, development architecture, API services, create business logic. Development frontend – create SPA with angularJS.

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Przetłumaczone przez Google

Otwarte na oferty
Więcej niż 5 lat
Upper Intermediate
Rozważenie opcji
Praca biurowa w pełnym wymiarze godzin
Zatrudnienie na część etatu
Praca zdalna (pełny etat)
Wolny strzelec (projekty jednorazowe)
Przeprowadzka do innego miasta
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