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Nazywam się Alexey i jestem frontend developerem z ponad 5-letnim doświadczeniem. Mam żonę Tatianę. Ona jest panią domu. Mam troje dzieci: Vasilisa, Egor i Evangelina. Teraz mieszkam z moją dużą rodziną na Sri Lance. Aktualnie poszukuję jakiejkolwiek pracy, rozważę każdą ofertę pracy.
Work on a complete refactoring of the site, transferring it to Vue 3 and a new design. Adding new functionality.
Maintaining a corporate website as a frontend Vue developer
Layout of pages according to the customer's design, editing of existing layout. Performing tasks in JS, in Vue JS and React JS. As well as the creation and editing of sites on Wordpres, MODx, Joomla, OpenCart, etc. according to the wishes of customers. Placing them on a hosting, binding a domain.
Writing the backend part of sites using modern CMS and frameworks, as well as maintaining existing sites, expanding their functionality, transferring to a new hosting, anti-virus protection, restoration. Knowledge of Html, css, js, php.