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Piszę o otwarciu React | React Native Developer, który widziałem na Twojej stronie. Jestem pewien, że posiadam umiejętności i doświadczenie, których szukasz.
Od trzech lat pracuję z React | Programista React Native Developer. Przez ten czas zdobyłem bogate doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie. Pracowałem nad wieloma projektami, zarówno małymi, jak i dużymi, i mam głębokie zrozumienie React | React Native Developer i ich funkcje.
Jestem wysoce zmotywowaną i zorientowaną na wyniki osobą i jestem przekonany, że jako React | mogę przekroczyć Twoje oczekiwania Reaguj natywny programista. Kocham swoją pracę i zawsze na pierwszym miejscu stawiam dobro moich klientów. Jestem również graczem zespołowym i jestem pewien, że mogę być przydatny dla Twojego zespołu.
Chciałbym podziękować za poświęcony czas i uwagę i mam nadzieję, że wkrótce się odezwiesz.
Z poważaniem,
- Creation of turnkey websites. Support of already developed projects.
Writing various functionality for websites.
- Developed an application for children. Wrote in React Native and
- Developed components related to refactoring.
- Code review, writing code, monitoring project progress, completing
assigned tasks.
- Developed an online store on React / Typescript.
-Developed cross-browser web applications
-Delivered features in project as Key developer using React.js/Typescript
- Delivered features and fixed bugs in the cloud-based web app and Mobile
- Created microservices from scratch to scrape 5 websites
- Negotiated sprints plan with the customer and assisted with fast tech support
- Developed an internal CRM system on React | Typescript.
- Participated in debugging and refining of internal component library,
part of updated components successfully integrated into existing
- Code review, writing code, organizing the work of the development
team, monitoring the progress of the project, adapting new employees.
- Developed an android application for the use of Agro product reports.
-Developed multilingual web and mobile applications
-Developed private and public client\server applications (CRUD).
-Delivered features and fixed bugs in the cloud-based web app and
Mobile App
- Participated in making technical and architectural decisions
-Refactored old code and wrote new functions for optimization.
- Developed components, routing, various services and screens. Interact
with their dirty apps and APIs.
- Development and support of company services using Typescript
and MobX.
- Developed mobile cash registers that help businesses conduct cash
transactions without special equipment. If you have a mobile phone - this
will be enough. You can also make non-cash transactions if your phone
has NFC.
- Developed a scanner that helps businesses conduct transactions using a
QR code.
- Developed experiments using firebase AB test
- Developed a real-time location tracking application using React Native
and React Native Maps.
- Created Native Modules in React Native using Java and Swift.
-Built the architecture of the web application in accordance with the
principles of MVC based on React Native and Redux