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Jako programista full stack blockchain mam 6-letnie doświadczenie w tworzeniu full stack i duże doświadczenie w pracy z rozwojem blockchain.
Od 2020 roku pracuję w świecie blockchain i zdobyłem dobre doświadczenia i solidne umiejętności w zakresie rozwoju dApp w następujący sposób.
- algorytmy konsensusu, kryptografia, drzewo Merkle'a
- Solidity, Go, C++, Web3 JS, Ether JS, Hardhat.
- Głębokie zrozumienie systemów NFT/Trading/AMM/Staking/Oracle
- React, Node, Python, Golang
Contributed over 8֡ small scale web based projects and 2֡ large scale web applications.
Developed customized content management system compatible with any web application.
Streamline all offerings with a new responsive, mobile-first approach and strategy which increased mobile traffic by 20%.
Achived average of 0 bug solved per day including critical and non-critical bugs.
Increased page loading speed by 35%.
Featured Lending Protocol, a Leveraged Yield Farm
-Lead a team of 4 members and helped them come up with digital content.
-Reduced the amount of bugs found after deployment by 75% by streamlining the quality assurance process.
-Reduced by 90% the total amount of time spent to execute the full regression tests by organizing and automating the test cases.
-Developed new Price Oracle system to raise security level by 20%.
Joined the team as #10 employee as full stack engineer working directly with the biggest customers.
Worked with team of 10 members.
Increased revenue by 9% with NFT Marketplace and NFT Raffle system for 3 months.