Data scientist, researcher - 6252
Opublikowano ponad 30 dni temu
Data Science
Rozważenie opcji
Praca biurowa w pełnym wymiarze godzin
Zatrudnienie na część etatu
Praca zdalna (pełny etat)
Wolny strzelec (projekty jednorazowe)
Przeprowadzka do innego miasta
Data scientist, researcher
My skills.
Signal Process;
Correlation analysis, сluster analysis, statistics;
Applied analysis of random data, Time Series Analysis, Spectral analysis (wavelet transform, fast Fourier transform, method of the spectral characteristics);
Machine Learning: Deep Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks end etc.
Problems of identification (Kalman filtering and etc.
), self-learning models, probability models, numerical methods;
Using MATLAB, MAPLE, SciLab, Python (Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib,
TensorFow and etc.
Or I'm ready to learn other programming languages.
English - intermediate.
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