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Jestem inżynierem informatykiem, absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki. Od 14 lat pracuję jako programista, głównie jako programista stron internetowych. Używanie zasadniczo zwinnych metodologii, z różnymi technologiami. Zawsze otwarty na naukę i poznawanie nowych technologii.
■ Projects:
□ Wassermeloni: Automatization of almost all process in the company.
■ Team: 3 | Backend and Frontend Developer
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Searchkick, ActiveStorage, Doorkeeper, Kettle-Pentaho, Rspec, Docker, Angular.
□ SKILLZ.ENGINEER(second version): Social network that provides a skills level matrix with the contacts/group members of a logged in user. The user can add contacts, be in groups, give her own suggestion about a person's level in a specified skill, add a new skill, send email messages, etc.
■ Team: 4(1 backend developer, 1 frontend developer, 1 designer and 1 project manager) | Backend Developer
■ Main Technologies: GraphQL with Rails on the backend side and React/Apollo on the frontend side.
□ SKILLZ.ENGINEER(first version): Social network that provides a skills level matrix with the contacts/group members of a logged in user. The user can add contacts, be in groups, give her own suggestion about a person's level in a specified skill, add a new skill, send email messages, etc.
■ Team: 4(2 software developers, 1 designer and 1 project manager) | FullStack Developer
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, VueJS, Vuex, Bootstrap, Axios, Bootstrap-Vue, Html5, Css3, Sass, Babel, Eslint, Prettier, MongoDB, UnitTests (MiniTest).
■ Projects:
□ Beesor: Survey System for Cuban government.
■ Team: 10+ software developers, 1 designer and 1 project manager.
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JS, Html, Css, Sass, PostgreSQL,
■ BDD + TDD (Cucumber, RSpec and Capybara)
■ Knowledges:
□ Web Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
□ Back-end: PHP, Symfony, REST API
□ Database: SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
□ Version Control Systems: Git, Subversion, GitHub, Gitlab
□ Web Design: Adobe Photoshop, Gimp
□ Desktop development: C++
□ Functional Skills: Teamwork, Fast & continuous learning and delivery.