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● Java, Kotlin, Flutter, Swift
● SQLite, GreenDao, ObjectBox, Realm w iOS, Moor
● PayPal, interfejs API sieci społecznościowych, usługi Google Play
● Git, BitBucket, Gerrit
● Intellij Idea, Android Studio
● Android SDK, ARCore, RxJava, Moxy, Retrofit 2, Volley, Twilio, Gson, Picasso, Glide, Butterknife, EventBus, Kotlin Coroutines, Dagger2, Hilt
Worked with client-server applications. Built adaptive and flexible GUI. Daily meeting communication with customers to improve the approach of the current app and make it more reasonable for business. Worked with Binance API to make related API requests.
Worked on a mass of the different applications. Beginning from IoT till the different social networks.
Experienced with bug fixing of current applications, refactoring code, optimization code.
Communicated with customers about current projects, about their statuses.
Worked with ARCore. Implemented indoor navigation.
Worked as Flutter Dev for 1.5 years. Worked within the applications with teams containing 4 people.
Worked in a team as junior Android Developer. Created new screens UI/UX design for current
applications. Fixed bugs