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Java-розробник в Proxy Seller

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Proxy Seller

Proxy Seller

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Пряме повідомлення учасника, який розмістив вакансію, з Proxy-Seller Аnna Y. Аnna Y. Посада Recruiter у Proxy-Seller
Пряме повідомлення учасника, який розмістив вакансію, з Proxy-Seller Аnna Y. Аnna Y. Посада Recruiter у Proxy-Seller We are a European telecommunications technology company looking for a Back-end developer to join our team to develop and support current and new projects. We are looking for a true fan of what they do, who can bring something new to our projects, possibly manage and form tasks.Experience with the following technologies is required: Groovy, work with the Spring Boot framework; RESTful API, work with the MongoDB database (if Mongo, we will use a version not lower than 4.4). Docker; Redis; Git; GitHub.What do you need to have to join our team? Experience in writing code and tests for it;Java/Groovy experience from 1 year; Clear articulation of your thoughts and ideas; High-quality implementation of your own ideas; Sociability, working as a developer is not limited to communication with the developer only;Ability to work with other people's code.We offer: Constant workload, dynamic work and the opportunity to work with interesting, challenging tasks every day. Competitive salary in $: rate + bonuses. Work in a young team and responsive management 🙂Work schedule: 5-day working week, eight-hour working day. Dear candidates, please respond to the vacancy in detail: a little about yourself, work experience, portfolio/links to previous jobs. Empty CVs will not be considered. Show more Show less Посадовий рівень Базовий рівень Тип зайнятості Повний робочий день Галузі Телекомунікації
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