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Результативний інженер з автоматизації забезпечення якості – SDET із понад 5-річним досвідом розробки та покращення сценаріїв автоматизації для автоматизованого тестування в різних областях, таких як фінансові послуги, банківська справа та страхування. Має високу кваліфікацію в аналізі та підготовці стратегій тестування, планів тестування та тестових даних, а також перевірки готовності до тестування.
ПРОФЕСІЙНІ НАВИЧКИ Selenium WebDriver Selenium Grid HTML & CSS Agile Scrum Cucumber Git/GitHub GherkinWaterfall TestNG Jenkins JAVA MySQL Junit LOG4J Maven SDLC SQL Oracle Python
-Attended Agile/Scrum meetings (Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Review and Retrospectivemeetings,) preparing test report documents for Sprint Demo meetings.
-Closely collaborated with Developers and Business Analysts to evaluate requirements in-depth andcreate test cases.
-Designed and reviewed the Test scenarios and scripts for given functional requirements andAutomated test cases in Selenium.
-Performed Smoke, Functionality, Integration, Regression tests based on analysis, and understandingof the requirements, non-functional specifications, and end-user needs.
-Obtained reports (Extent-Reports / HTML reports / Cucumber JSON reports) on Hybrid Frameworkfor Frond-End, Back-End and End to End Testing through Selenium Web Driver on TestNG, CucumberBDD and Junit 5.
-Used Jenkins to execute the test scripts periodically on Selenium Grid for different platforms likedesktop, tablet and mobile.
-Participated in the development of thorough test automation frameworks using the Page ObjectModel to eliminate repeated testing with the Selenium WebDriver, Eclipse IDE, Java, TestNG, andother APIs.
-Wrote and/or modified SQL queries to perform database validations.
-Created a framework for behavior-driven development (BDD) based on Cucumber and written stepdefinition using Gherkin, implemented the page object model (POM) in the IntelliJ IDE using Java,and used Selenium WebDriver to automate UI-based test cases.
-Created and executed test plans based on system requirements specified by the client, guaranteeing100% correctness and client satisfaction.
-Documented software defects using Jira and reported defects involving program functionality,output, online screen, and content to software developers.
-Developed and created test data, retrieved test data form servers by SQL queries.
-Prepared test documentation such as test plans, test cases, test suites, testing matrices.
-Manually tested mobile/web applications on iOS and android platforms using various devices