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Рішучий і продуктивний веб-розробник із пристрастю до творчих рішень. Людина, захоплена вивченням нових технологій, яка завжди готова зробити все найкраще для успіху команди та проекту.
Project 1: Electronic Document Management system
Description: Electronic Document Management system for internal usage only. It provides the full automatisation of initiation/acceptance/rejection of the papers uploaded by the users and allows to notify the corresponding authorities about changes.
Project 2: NDA
Description: Development of the closed business listing with the register of the large amount of items for the B2B sector.
Project 3: NDA
Description: Collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources (overt and publicly available sources) to produce actionable intelligence.
Project 4: under NDA
Description: Data management and accounting system for users to work with them by roles.