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Розробка програмних рішень поза вимогами бізнесу високого рівня
Розробка та запуск складних веб- та мобільних продуктів
Забезпечення супроводу програмного продукту після випуску
Проведення перевірок кодової бази та перевірок безпеки
Управління та навчання розподілених команд розробки
- Designing and developing web and mobile software products from concept to release using React, Next.js, React Native, Redux, Apollo GraphQL, NestJS, Express and Node.js technology stack
- Working on software architecture design for web and mobile products: analyzing requirements, creating data models, designing complex modules and features
- Solving non-trivial tasks related to reliable distributed data synchronization, resilient operation and quick recovery, data processing time, and overall product security
- Leading a development team: overseeing task planning and implementation on various projects, conducting code reviews, facilitating daily and retrospective calls
- Interviewing and training the team: introducing and maintaining best practices for code design, the development process, external and internal team coordination
- Setting and maintaining continuous iterative product implementation and delivery supported by CI/CD workflow that relies on AWS services: EC2, ELB, ECS, EBS, Lambda, S3, SES, SNS, ECR and CloudWatch
-Designing and developing client-side applications using React and Redux / MobX
-Developing beckends for web and mobile clients using Node.js (Express / NestJS)
- Designing and implementing public RESTful and GraphQL (Apollo) server-side APIs
- Architecting web and mobile solutions to ensure maintainability and extendability
- Communicating with clients and client representatives to direct the development
- Developing web software products for healthcare and personal care businesses
- Implementing and maintaining several RESTful APIs used by web and mobile clients
- Coordinating closely with stakeholders to align the development with business needs
- Designing software architecture to meet functional and non-functional requirements