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• Швидко навчаюся, прагне бути в курсі подій і бути в змозі зробити свій внесок у команду якомога швидше.
• Товариш по команді, який здатний пристосовуватися, має доведену здатність розвиватися в динамічному середовищі та швидко пристосовуватися до мінливих пріоритетів.
• Орієнтований на деталі інженер-програміст із гострим поглядом на точність і досвідом виконання високоякісної роботи, яка відповідає або перевищує вимоги проекту.
Developed web scraping scripts using Python and Beautiful Soup to collect data on social media, market trends. Con gured and deployed Scrapy spiders to crawl websites and extract data as JSON format.
Redesign the given website prototype using Django framework. Learnt how Django system works, including SQLite, creating admin panel and designing small database for users, posts and more relating.
Created and executed automated tests using Cypress, Mocha, and Cucumber for web applications, resulting in improved test coverage and faster feedback
Worked closely with developers and stakeholders to understand requirements, identify test scenarios, and ensure quality throughout the software development lifecycle
о Built and maintained a continuous integration and delivery pipeline using Jenkins and GitLab. enabling rapid deployment and frequent releases.
о Designed and implemented a cloud-based system using AWS and Docker, resulting in a reduction in infrastructure costs and improvement in system reliability.
о Dockerized NextJS or ReactJS and Nginx at a single dockerfile and deployed web servers on Amazon EC2 instances.
о Maintained EC2 instances using AWS tools such as Elastic Load Balancing. EBS. Elastic IP. ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.
о Deployed and configured Nginx web servers on Amazon EC2 instances. handling static content web pages.
о Familiarity with Amazon ECR. ECS. EKS by contributing in the development of other ongoing project.
о Configured and managed Prometheus for monitoring applications. and created Grafana dashboard for visualising application metrics. resulting in improved observability.