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Мови/технології програмування
§ Bash
Засоби розробки
§ AWS/Kubernetes
§ Тераформа
§ Ансібль
§ Докер
§ Дженкінс
§ GitLab
§ GitHub
§ Дія GitHub
§ Графана
§ Прометей
§ Zabbix
§ Код Visual Studio
Середовища віртуалізації
§ Докер
§ Docker Compose
§ Віртуальний ящик
§ Nginx
§ Канбан
§ Scrum
Інструменти тестування
§ Дженкінс
§ Дія GitHub
Хмарні постачальники
Операційні системи
§ Microsoft Windows 95/ 98/ 2000/ XP/ 2003 Server/ Vista / 7/8/10/11
§ Ubuntu
§ Mac OS
Supported and implemented DevOps best practices in multiple projects. Created CI/CD pipelines. Created and managed AWS infrastructure.
· Taking part in managing development and production environments
· Manage and troubleshoot software systems
· Automate software delivery processes with CI\CD pipelines
· Develop services, and scripts (Ruby, Bash)
· Docker (Made docker-compose files, push and pull images from docker registry)
· AWS Services, Configure AWS account password policy, manage users & groups, manage roles & policies )
AWS, Ansible, Jenkins, Ruby, Bash, GIT
· Creation of infrastructure in AWS: Implemented AWS infrastructure for project, including EC2 instances, VPCs, S3 buckets, and RDS instances.
· Optimized infrastructure for cost and security.
· Utilized Terraform for infrastructure as code and CloudWatch for monitoring.
· Creating Docker images: Built and maintained Docker images for microservices-based applications using Docker Compose.
· Support for web services Nginx: Congured and maintained Nginx web server for project.
· Working with GIT version control systems: Utilized Git for source code management and version control.
Main tools:
AWS, EC2, VPC, S3, Terraform, Docker, Nginx, Git
· Learned Linux application in practice: Developed prociency in Linux administration.
· Built and maintained Docker images using Docker Compose.
· Learned AWS and Jenkins application in practice: Developed prociency in AWS services such as EC2, S3, RDS, VPC and etc.
· Created Jenkins pipelines for testing.
· Learned Terraform and Ansible application in practice: Implemented infrastructure as code using Terraform and Ansible.
Developed Ansible playbooks. Learned Grafana, Prometheus, Zabbix application in practice for realtime visibility into system performance and availability.