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Володіє навичками чіткого спілкування та міжособистісного спілкування для побудови позитивних робочих стосунків з клієнтами та професіоналами всіх рівнів. ● Брати участь у всьому процесі контролю якості, включаючи визначення, проектування, створення та виконання тестів ● Мати досвід аналізу результатів тестування та дефектів ● Добре знати методологію контролю якості та процес забезпечення якості для забезпечення високоякісного продукту ● Перевірений практичний досвід тестування веб-додатки ● Творчий вирішувач проблем із передовими навичками аналітики та планування ● Виняткова увага до деталей
The platform helps companies thrive in capital markets. SaaS platform serves all desks and aligns trading, risk and operations to deliver a single source of truth, and brings greater transparency, better efficiency and infinite scalability.
Java, Cucumber, Canary(internal framework), TeamCity
Powerful HTML5 charts that give users of all levels a competitive edge. With state of the art integrations—from third-party applications to educational components and analysis—users benefit from efficient workflows and a new streamlined way to work.
• Building automation tests for web application from the scratch; • Configuring сontinuous integration using GH actions; • Bugs reporting; • Working with version control system; • Writing API tests; • Communication with developers and other QA; • Building multi level system for testing the whole process of integrating chart to end user platform.
WDIO, Mocha, Selenium, Kanbanize, Android, JS, GH actions
• Manual testing of web and mobile application(SDK); • Building automation tests for web application from the scratch; • Building automation tests for mobile app from the scratch; • Configuring сontinuous integration using Jenkins; • Bugs reporting; • Working with version control system; • Configuring local device farm for testing on mobile devices; • Writing API tests; • Communication with developers and other QA;
Protractor, Selenium, Appium, Jira, Notion, Asana, OpenSTF, Android, JS, Ruby
eCommerce platform with a big amount of integrated apps that makes it easier to build customer business.
• Strategic development and enhancement of the processes; • Automated testing of web application on the desktop and mobile devices; • Configuring Continuous integration; • Develop, maintain, and execute automation test scripts; • Bugs reporting; • Working with a version control system; • Configuring device farm for testing on mobile devices; • Writing API tests; • Communication with developers and other QA;
Protractor, Selenium, Appium, Jira, Jenkins, JS, Cross-platform testing, iOS, Android, OpenSTF
CRM helps the user to always stay in touch with his clients and grow his business
• Strategic development and enhancement of the processes;; • Automated testing of web and iOS application; • Architecture or test suites development; • Configuration activities including Continuous Integration setups; • Working with the version control system; • Scripts development; • Manual testing; • Requirements development; • Bugs reporting; • Documentation preparation; • Review test documentation; • Management of QA team(3 people);
iOS, Android, XCode, Appium, Jenkins, Selenium, Capybara, SQL, Cross-browser and cross-device testing, Jira
Application to improve patient outcomes and experiences through enhanced communication and care team coordination.
• Automated testing for web and mobile clients; • Architecture or test suites development; • Working with the version control system; • Bugs reporting with logs attachments and videos; • Documentation preparation; • Requirement Analysing;
Jenkins, Ruby, Appium, iOS, XCode, JS, Cross-browser markup, Cross-device testing, PivotalTracker
Short-term and middle-term IT projects for foreign clients.
• Automated test scripts development for web application; • Communication with clients; • Requirements gathering; • Manual testing; • Test documentation preparation; • Bugs reporting; • Test suites architecture creation;
Ruby, JS, PHP, Jenkins, Bamboo, CSS, Jira