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Я керував різними проектами, як-от стартапами чи продуктами, створював програму з нуля, поки не випустив її в Google Play.
Я працюю з реальним стеком, таким як Room, Retrofit, RESTful API, GraphQL (Apollo), Coroutines, Jetpack (+ Compose), Glide тощо.
Я пристрасний і цілеспрямований розробник з хорошими навичками тайм-менеджменту.
start-up based in London. App with courses (video/audio/text) and coach programs. Full cycle app development and support.
Used stack: MVVM, Coroutines, GraphQL (Apollo/Hasura), Firebase Auth, Analytics, Crashlytics, Room, Koin, RevenueCat billing etc.
A tool that helps social bloggers to create great stories and posts (has collection of stickers, downloadable fonts etc.) Full cycle app development from scratch till release it on Google Play.
Stack: Clean Architecture + MVVM, Hilt, Cicerone, Retrofit, Room, Google Billing etc.
An outsource company with own product. In this company I took part one outsource project (Kotlin) and also supported their own product (Java + Kotlin).
1) Investment/Donation platform for fans and their influencers - full cycle app development, releasing and supporting.
Stack: Retrofit, Facebook analytics, Google Auth, Places, ExoPlayer, Braintree (payments) etc..
2) Digital signage platform for media-content broadcasting - added new very specific features to the app such as KIOSK (Lock) mode support for specific Android devices, streaming support, remote app update without user interaction.
Ukrainian start-up that made their own hardware for payment processing via Bluetooth and sending Push Notifications in the covered area. I took part in several projects in this company - Wallet app, their own SDK and has developed the app from scratch for EU region.
Used stack: Retrofit, Dagger 2, RxJava/Coroutines, BLE, Room etc.
Ukrainian start-up. App for personal/family/small business budget.